You can eat delicious food, and it can be therapeutic…too!
I had a French gastronomic restaurant in Belgium. That was before I trained in holistic health. The gourmet life I tasted, lived and experienced transformed my palate and taste buds, and changed my approach to food and dining.
Food can be so delicious, ecstatic…and here I put in therapeutics as well. Why not enjoy delicious food and at the same time, stay healthy? Worth a great try!
Come join me in these gastronomic recipes imbibed with holistic health juices!
Just so you know, I am not a chef. And you and your maid/cook/chef, most probably, can cook better than I can.
Yes, I can cook well for small dinner parties. But give me a cook any time for bigger do-s! Lazy, lah!
However, my trump card is that I can design menus with ease. Delicious meals with prime ingredients filled with therapeutic properties for specific health issues! The Ah-ha meals to make you want to live again…
A very short story:
I’m a reluctant hero (not really a hero – just borrowing from Joseph Campbell)…I felt compelled to start this project, (I’d been ooh-ing and ahh-ing for several years) and the new year 2018 felt like it was really the best time…so I bit the bullet on January 3rd, and here we are.
The real story is this: My Mum fell critically ill in 2015, and her physicians told us in not so many words that she wouldn’t make it: she’d broken her shoulder, had subsequently suffered a massive heart attack from the shock and now her heart was failing; she was a mess, she was old, etc. etc…
We brought the priest to the ICU to give Mum her last rites.
Then we took her went home from the hospital, a near-cripple, in an appalling state…basically, to die.
And since there was no way forward with medical science as the doctors had exhausted all medical avenues, I used my naturopathic training plus my years’ experience in my gastronomic restaurant to actually help her transition into death with ease and dignity and…eating REAL food…that’s what I knew best.
To my utter relief and joy, instead of dying, she gradually got better. It was a long, slow process but get better she did. And she started walking again. Additionally, she’s been off all (allopathic) medication for the last several years with her physicians’ approval.
So here I am! I’ve been working on a book about Heart Health called ‘My Mum Beat Heart Failure’ (a lot is about…guess what?….food!)
I love good food, and so does nearly everyone I know. Those who don’t, I wouldn’t know how to help.
Do write to me about your health challenges, and also your diet – what you eat, etc. Please share your favourite recipes! The best will be published on this blog.
We can discuss and help you find a way forward with (delicious) food and proper supplementation.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Bon appétit !
Helen Chow, ND
Food Therapist
Naturopath, Herbalist

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